Justice Acts International


Justice ACTs Thailand
Justice ACTs Thailand exists to help serve and resource local individuals and communities in Thailand to be active participants in bringing prevention of Human Trafficking and exploitation of individuals by giving them the training, resources, or opportunities to do prevention holistically.
It is estimated 80% of domestic trafficking victims originate from the Isaan region and are brought into larger Thai cities in hopes of finding jobs that will provide for their families. The push towards larger cities is due to a limited and unstable local economy, which drives the victims to seek jobs in unfamiliar parts of the country such as Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Pukhet, and other large cities.
Culturally a large brunt of the financial responsibility rests with the young girls starting at the age of 15. In this honor shame based society, providing for ones family is of the highest honor. However, with poor education, no jobs skills training, and little or no connection to these big cities, it leaves these girls extremely vulnerable to exploitation of varying kinds.
Justice ACTs Thailand Response:
2 year vision:
Target group:
Isaan region girls between the ages of 15-25 years old
Coordinated and Collaborated effort:
The goal would be to create systems and partnerships, that when put into effect, will allow Thai businesses in response to their social responsibility to employ these girls with paid internships. Thus giving these girls not only job skills, but careers that will benefit them, their families, and create new connections that will allow the next generation to be connected into safe and fair jobs.
When these girls are brought into the big cities, there will be mentors outside of the businesses that will help them to acclimate to the larger cities while also providing a sense of community that will keep these girls continually safe from exploitation.
We will be working with several NGO’s and Non-Profits in and around the Isaan area who specialize working with at-risk girls. Through their relationships and our systems of evaluation, we will plug the most at-risk girls into our database of Thai businesses.
20 year Justice ACTs Thailand vision:
Creating jobs outside of the Isaan area is an important step to help staunch the flow of exploited girls into the big cities. However, why these girls are exploited is a complex and vast issue.

The most obvious reasons are poor education, lack of a stable economy in their area, and no jobs skills training. Justice ACTs Thailand’s long term vision is to see different economic opportunities be brought into the Isaan area, and to train girls, boys, men, and women to have long lasting, fair, and sustainable careers that will allow them to provide for themselves and their families, creating a more healthy society.


For more information please visit their website.